Just for Junkers:
A 3-Day Consumer Event
Minneapolis, Minnesota
150 + Vendors and over 10,000 Attendees
3 Days
The Story
Twice a year, upcycling aficionados and antique collectors of all ages flock to Minneapolis, Minnesota for Junk Bonanza, a three-day, indoor-outdoor upscale flea market extravaganza and paradise for “junkers.” More than 150 vendors bring all things vintage, repurposed and handmade – from furniture to jewelry, clothing, lampshades, and everything else you can think of. It’s a beautiful combination of art, shopping, workshops, and networking, with over ten thousand people in attendance. And we are the lucky ones who have helped make it all happen. Staffing? Check. Signage? Check. Making sure the early birds waiting in line have donuts? Check. In our commitment to Junk Perfection, we take a potential logistics nightmare and free-for-all into a junkers’ dream come true that is FUN for all.